Luciano GHERSI  > Testi IperTessili  >


The first Lankan exhibition by Luciano Ghersi (the Italian artist-designer-philosopher of handweaving) will be inaugurated at IL CAPRICCIO (Colombo, Sri Lanka) on August 12th.
This TEXTILE ART EXHIBITION will be open to the public every day from August 14ty to September 13th, from 5.30 to 19.00 pm.

Well, after had been some months in Tamil Nadu training hand-weavers on new textile designs, giving lectures about the future of hand-weaving, conspirating with traditional weaving masters, designing the World Loom (see below: World Music) and (most of all) sweating, I hoped to rest for a while in my beloved Sri Lanka, before coming back to Italy.
Not at all. I met Monica and Rosella in Colombo and, charmed by their wonderful Italian cooking, I engaged myself in an exhibition of my work inside their new restaurant.
I yet apologized that I could not recollect so many tapestries from my Lankan collectioners, but cooking people are notoriously merciless:
Why don't you weave for us some of yours savorous TEXTILE APPETIZERS?
So I wandered from my weavers friends in Uda Dumbara to the bazaar in Pettah (etc. etc.), seeking for every yarn, thread, wire, rope, fiber (etc. etc.) that I could weave inside the spontaneous wrap of a fork. As, I forgot to mention, I haven,t yet set a true hand-loom for myself in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka Aug. 96

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