Luciano GHERSI HyperTextile.HandWeaver
JASMIN, the unique hairclip, India 1996

JASMIN is fully hand made in India by women in the Weaving Section of Shantimalai Trust, Tiruvannamalai T.N.

Every one JASMIN is an unique because the women choose themselves the colors of their threads, just while they are weaving on a basic hand loom. Jasmin is designed by the italian weaving master Luciano Ghersi, throughout his handweaving training in Shantimalai Trust (May 1966). The clip name comes from Jasmin, the child that is the mascot of the Weaving Section.
This same text is also available in Tamil.

MORE about Jasmin photos Tamil Women Handbook

MORE about INDIA: KI$ CARPET What is "HAND DESIGN"... and "WHY"

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