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AFEVO Home HandWeave of the Ewe - BLAKHUD Ewe Kente collection > POEM


I am a weaver
Listen, that shuttle:
Tako tako tako tako,
Through the warp
Listen, that shuttle:
The sound:
Tako tako tako tako,
Through the warp
I am a weaver
Listen, that shuttle:
Tako tako tako tako,
Through the warp

I'll team up
With the weaver bird
That perches in my farm
I am a weaver
I'll distill the moist
On the fern
And lead the hopping hopper
To his nest
I am a weaver
And going to team up
With the weaver bird
That carves in my farm

You listen,
That shuttle
Tako tako tako tako,
Through the warp
I am a weaver
Hear that

Poem written in 1973 by Dale Massiasta
"Tako tako tako tako" is the typical sound of the shuttle, that's also ritually shaken to spiritually stimulate weaving (YO WU).
Photo: Alaska Azameti holding a ritual coconut cup, Atsu Azameti weaving. Klikor 2001.